Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Language Reference > Accessing a Property, Constant, or Method in a Metaschema

Accessing a Property, Constant, or Method in a Metaschema

Use the :: meta-object scope operator to reference a property, constant, or method in a type, in the following format.


The code fragments in the following example show the use of the scope operator to access a property, a constant, and a method.

write;       // Outputs "code"
write;   // Outputs "Obsolete"
write;    // Outputs "update"

The :: meta-object scope operator can be useful when specifying a property or method name as a parameter to a method. For example, you could use the code fragment shown in the following example when calling the TcpIpConnection class listenContinuousAsynch method passing the class C1 method tcpCallBackMethod.


The advantage of using this notation is that should you rename the method, it automatically renames and recompiles any references to this method that are constructed in this manner.