Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 19 - Tracing Transactions > Analyzing Transaction Trace Information

Analyzing Transaction Trace Information

You can register callback methods that are invoked just before a transaction is committed. To register a callback method, call the enableTransTraceCallback method of the Process class, passing the method to be invoked, the object used as the receiver, and a Boolean value of true to indicate registering.

The following code fragment specifies that when a transaction for the current process commits, a method Customer::commitCallback is to be called for the receiver cust, which is of type Customer.

process.enableTransTraceCallback(Customer::commitCallback, cust, true);

The callback method must have no parameters and no return type.

You can call the enableTransTraceCallback method multiple times, to register additional method callbacks when a transaction commits. Calling the enableTransTraceCallback with a method and receiver combination that has been previously registered is ignored.

Methods are invoked in reverse order of when they were registered; that is, the most recently registered methods are invoked first.

The invoked method should not attempt to commit the transaction. Doing so causes repeated invocations of the method, leading eventually to a kernel stack overflow.

Similarly, the invoked method should not abort the current transaction. Doing so raises a 1026 (Not in transaction state) exception after the method returns and an attempt to commit the transaction is made.

If an exception occurs within an invoked method and is not dealt with by an exception handler, the transaction is not committed.

The following example of a callback method uses functionality in the JadeTransactionTrace class to write information about the current transaction to the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer.

    trace : JadeTransactionTrace;
    index : Integer;
    totalEntries : Integer;
    object : Object;
    operation : Integer;
    property : Property;
    value : Any;
    trace := process.getTransactionTraceObject;
    totalEntries := trace.getEntryCount();
    write "=============================";
    write "Transaction ID: " & trace.tranId.String;
    write "Started at: " & trace.startTime.String;
    write "Total traced updates: " & totalEntries.String;
    foreach index in 1 to totalEntries do
        write "";
        //retrieve the specific entry and write out the details
        trace.getEntry(index, object, operation, property, value);
        write "Traced Update: " & index.String;
        write "Object: " & object.String;
        write "Operation: " & operation.String & " - " &
        //if the entry is a property update, output that information as well
        if property <> null then
            write "Property: " & & "::"
            write"Property Value: " & value.String;
    write "=============================";

The following output from the commitCallback example callback method is representative.

Transaction ID: 5928
Started at: 18 February 2009, 14:15:40
Total traced updates: 2

Traced Update: 1
Object: Customer/2085.5
Operation: 3 - Object Update

Traced Update: 2
Object: Customer/2085.5
Operation: 7 - Manual Set Property
Property: Customer::status
Property Value: Bankrupt