Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 18 - Tracking Methods > Helper Methods for Obtaining Method Tracking Information

Helper Methods for Obtaining Method Tracking Information

The preambleMethod and postambleMethod methods must have the following signature:

method(paramList: ParamListType);

When invoked, the paramList parameter contains a list of parameters matching those of the method being tracked.

You can use the methods listed in the following table to obtain information about the method being tracked.

Method Information Obtained
Application ::getParamListTypeEntry Value of the parameter with the specified index within the paramList parameter
Application ::getParamListTypeLength Number of entries contained in the paramList parameter
Process ::getTrackedMethod Tracked method for which the preamble or postamble method has been invoked
Process ::getTrackedMethodReceiver Object used as the receiver for the method being tracked
Process ::getTrackedMethodReturnValue Return value of the method being tracked
Process ::getTrackedMethodStatus Value representing the current state of the tracked method; that is, whether it is about to be called, has just returned normally, or has just exited abnormally