Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 18 - Tracking Methods > Examples of Using Method Tracking

Examples of Using Method Tracking

For method tracking to be enabled, the following entry is made in the JADE initialization file used by the database server.

MethodTrackingEnabled = true

The following example initiates method tracking for a method defined on the Customer class, where the preamble and postamble methods are defined on the Process class in the same schema as the tracked method.

startTracking(targetProcess : Process);
   targetProcess.startMethodTracking(Customer::getAddress,//tracked method
                                     Process::beforeCall, //preamble method
                                     Process::afterCall,  //postamble method
                                     targetProcess);      //receiver

In the following example, method tracking is initiated for a method defined in a different schema from where the preamble and postamble methods are defined. The Tracker class is defined within the user schema and the tracker parameter is a persistent instance of the Tracker class.

initiateTracking(targetProcess: Process, tracker: Tracker);
   scm : Schema;
   cls : Class;
   mth : Method;
   scm := rootSchema.getSchema("AcctSchema");
   cls := scm.getClass("Customer");
   mth := mth.getMethod("getAddress");
   targetProcess.startMethodTracking(mth,                 //tracked method
                                     Tracker::beforeCall, //preamble method
                                     Tracker::afterCall,  //postamble method
                                     tracker);            //receiver

Define the preamble and postamble methods in the Tracker class. The afterCall postamble method in the following example uses simple write instructions to provide tracking information.

afterCall(paramList: ParamListType);
   status : Integer;
   num, i : Integer;
   // Status information - Is this the preamble or postamble?
   //                      Or has there been an exception?
   status := process.getTrackedMethodStatus;
   if status = 0 then write "no tracked method";
   elseif status = 1 then write "in preamble method";
   elseif status = 2 then write "in postamble method";
   elseif status = 3 then write "exception occurred";
   // Tracked method
   write "tracked method: " &;
   // Receiver
   write "receiver: " & process.getTrackedMethodReceiver.String;
   // Parameters
   num := app.getParamListTypeLength(paramList);
   foreach i in 1 to num do
      write "parameter " & i.String & ": "
            & app.getParamListTypeEntry(i, paramList).String;
   // Return value
   write "return value: " & process.getTrackedMethodReturnValue.String;