Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 17 - Using the JADE Testing Framework > Running Unit Tests from the JADE Development Environment

Running Unit Tests from the JADE Development Environment

You can run unit tests from the JADE development environment, by selecting a unit test method or class and then pressing the F9 key. Alternatively, select the Unit Test command from the Jade menu. For details, see "Running a Unit Test", in Chapter 4 of the JADE Development Environment User’s Guide.

The Unit Test Runner form is then displayed, with the results for the unit tests are displayed in the Results list box. For details about the Unit Test Runner form, see the "Using the Unit Test Runner Form", in the following section.

The following table lists unit tests that are run for an item selected in the Class Browser.

Selected item Unit tests that are run
Unit test method The selected method is executed like a JadeScript method
Unit test class (a subclass of JadeTestCase) All unit test methods in the selected class and its subclasses
JadeTestCase class in a user‑defined schema All unit test methods in all subclasses of the JadeTestCase class in the hierarchy of the schema
JadeTestCase class in the RootSchema All unit test methods in all subclasses of the JadeTestCase class in all user‑defined schemas