Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 17 - Using the JADE Testing Framework > Code Coverage Results Browser

Code Coverage Results Browser

The Code Coverage Results Browser enables one or more coverage output files to be loaded and the code coverage results to be displayed, as shown in the following diagram.

The Entity list box in the top-left panel displays the schema entities for which coverage information has been recorded in the file or files that are loaded. Hierarchical and flat (that is, schema, class or primitive type, and method) views are available by using the commands in the View menu.

If you specify text in the Entity text box above the entity list, the first entry in the list that contains that string is selected (the search is not case-sensitive). Use the Find Next button to find the next entry in the list that contains that text. If the specified string cannot be found, a message is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the browser.

The table at the top right of the browser displays code coverage information for the entity selected in the Entity list box.

In the hierarchical view, each parent level displays consolidated coverage information for all of its child levels (for example, the top coverage entity displays overall coverage information, each schema entity displays coverage information for all of its child types (that is, classes and primitive types), and each type entity displays coverage information for all of its child methods). In this view, entries and levels are added to and removed from the list box dynamically as you expand and collapse levels in the tree. This enables the list box to handle files with a large number of items; potentially more items than can be displayed in a list box.

In the flat views, each element displays coverage information for itself only (that is, there is no roll-up of information). As flat views load all elements into the list box and table, the flat method view can display a maximum of 32,000 items. If any view exceeds the maximum number of entries, a message box is displayed and the view displays up to the maximum number of entries only.

The columns in the top-right table are listed in the following table.

Column Description
% of JADE Methods Executed Percentage of the number of JADE methods defined on the type (class or primitive type) or schema that were executed. The entry is empty if the selected entity list item is not a type or schema.
  You must manually request the percentage value for a schema must be manually requested (by selecting the Calculate Total Methods Executed Percent for Schema command from the File menu).
Total Blocks in executed methods

Total number of blocks that are available for execution by the executed methods for the selected entity. (Each method consists of a number of executable blocks.)

For schema, class, and primitive type entries, this does not include the number of blocks for methods that are not yet executed.

Covered Blocks

Number of blocks that have been executed at least once. If a single block is executed multiple times, it is still counted as a single covered block.

Covered Blocks %

Number of covered blocks as a percentage of the total blocks. Note that for schema, class, and primitive type entries, this does not include the number of blocks for methods that are not yet executed.

Not Covered Blocks Number of blocks not executed at all (that is, total blocks minus the number of covered blocks)
Not Covered Blocks %

Number of blocks not executed as a percentage of the total blocks.

Executed Count

Total number of times a method was executed.

The information displayed in the pane at the bottom of the Code Coverage Results Browser depends on the selected element in the Entity list box at the top left of the browser.

The Code Coverage Results Browser can load coverage output files that have been captured in a different environment from the one in which the Code Coverage Results Browser is running. The browser can display information about schemas, types, and methods that it cannot find because they do not exist in that environment. It can also display entities that are different from the entities for which the output was recorded.

When a file is loaded, the following checks are performed.