Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 15 - Using the Messaging Framework > Restricting Access to Queues

Restricting Access to Queues

If you create a queue with Access=Private specified as part of the options parameter, only the creating process can reopen it. You can specify the AccessPassword open option to limit access to a queue to specific parts of an application (for example, limiting access to within a package).

If you create a queue with Access=Protected specified as part of the options parameter, all subsequent attempts to open the queue must include an AccessPassword option value that matches exactly the value specified when the queue was created. If the AccessPassword option was not specified, the queue behaves as if Access=Public had been specified, and can be opened by any process that knows the name of the queue.

You can use the generateAccessPassword method of the JadeMessagingFactory class to generate unique, random, non-repeating 32-character passwords.