Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 15 - Using the Messaging Framework > Opening a WebSphere MQ Queue

Opening a WebSphere MQ Queue

When you open a WebSphere MQ queue you must include an MQSERVER clause as part of the openQueue method options, either embedded in the fullName parameter or as one of the options. This provides information for the WebSphere MQ client interface to connect to the specified queue manager. For details about the client interface, see the WebSphere MQ Client Manual.

The format of the fullName parameter, including an MQSERVER clause, is as follows.


The parts of the fullName parameter are listed in the following table.

Part Description
QMNAME The name of the queue manager.
QUEUE1 The name of the queue.
CHNNAME The name of the MQI (or server connection) channel.
HOSTFQDN The fully qualified domain name of the host where the queue manager resides.
PORTNUM The TCP port number associated with the channel.

The following example shows a fullName parameter that specifies the opening of an existing queue.


The following example shows a fullName parameter that specifies the opening of a temporary reply queue. It uses a model queue definition.