Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 14 - Database Reorganization > Changing an RPS Mapping

Changing an RPS Mapping

Any change to an RPS mapping, whether to a table or column included in the mapping or to one of the mapping options, causes the schema to be versioned. This in turn requires the schema to be reorganized. For more details, see "Versioning a Schema", in Chapter 13.

When no reorganization is required after a .scm file load, the .ddb file can be loaded (as normal) before the reorganization is performed.

If control classes require reorganization after the .scm file load and before the .ddb file load, load the .ddbx file (RPS mapping information) before the reorganization, to keep the RPS mappings up-to-date with the schema changes. After the reorganization, the .ddb file is loaded as normal, to complete the changes.