Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 12 - Processing XML Documents > Handling XML Tree Exceptions

Handling XML Tree Exceptions

An exception is raised when an error is detected while processing an XML document. The exception is an instance of the JadeXMLException class.

For well-formed parsing errors, the line number and column number of the error is reported. For example, the following methods check that an XML document file is well-formed.

check(fileName: String);
    doc : JadeXMLDocument;
    on JadeXMLException do checkExceptionHandler(exception);
    create doc;
    write fileName & ' is well-formed';
    delete doc;

checkExceptionHandler(ex: JadeXMLException):  Integer;
    write ex.fileName & ' is not well-formed - ' & ex.extendedErrorText &
             ' at line ' & ex.lineNumber.String & ', column ' &
             ex.columnNumber.String & ': ' & ex.errorItem;
    return Ex_Abort_Action;

If the document is not well-formed, an XML exception is raised and the checkExceptionHandler method in the above example is invoked to print the error details.