Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 11 - Building Web Services Applications > Specifying WSDL File and Consumer Names
Specifying WSDL File and Consumer Names

The first page of the Web Service Consumer Wizard enables you to select the WSDL file for your Web service consumer and specify the consumer name.

To add a Web service consumer to the current schema

  1. Select the Add command from the Consumer menu. The Select WSDL File sheet of the Web Service Consumer Wizard is then displayed.

  2. In the WSDL File Name text box, specify the name of the WSDL file on which to base your Web service consumer. The WSDL file must exist.

    Alternatively, you can:

    WSDL file details are then displayed in the text box below the Consumer Name text box. The Next button is enabled when a valid WSDL file is detected.

  3. Click the Validate button. If the WSDL is valid:

    If the WSDL is invalid (for example, it does not contain methods or the specified location is incorrect), take the appropriate action and then repeat steps 1 through 3.

    If you check the Generate methods for asynchronous calls check box, methods for consuming the Web service asynchronously are generated in addition to the methods for synchronous execution. For details about running Web services synchronously and asynchronously, see "Using the Imported Web Service Consumer", later in this chapter.

    If you check the Generate new primitive types check box, the Web service consumer classes and methods generated from the WSDL use the primitive types Integer64, Byte, and TimeStampInterval where appropriate. (These primitive types were not available in earlier implementations of Web services.)

  4. If you want to change the default consumer name, enter the required name of the consumer in the Consumer Name text box.

    The Consumer Name text box is enabled only after the WSDL is validated, in step 3.

  5. Click the Next>> button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon you selections.