Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 10 - Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Development Considerations > SDSPrimary Dynamic Object Type

SDSPrimary Dynamic Object Type

The SDSPrimary dynamic object type has a name attribute value of SDSPrimary and a type attribute value of SDS_PrimaryType (1). The dynamic attributes for this primary object type are listed in the following table.

Name Type Description
connectedSecondaryServers Integer Number of secondary servers connected to the primary
currentJournalNumber Integer Number of the current write journal
currentJournalTimeStamp TimeStamp Timestamp of the current journal converted to a local value
currentJournalTimeStampUTC TimeStamp Timestamp of the current journal as a UTC value
latestCommittedTimestamp TimeStamp Timestamp of the latest commit audit record appended to the audit trail converted to a local value
latestCommittedTimestampUTC TimeStamp Timestamp of the latest commit audit record appended to the audit trail as a UTC value
maxCommittedTranID Decimal Highest transaction id committed by the primary database, which may not be the latest transaction committed
myHostName String Computer name of the primary host
myName String Name of the primary, specified in the MyName parameter in the [SyncDbService] section of the JADE initialization file

The audit timestamp attributes with a UTC suffix hold UTC values that are not converted to local time. The audit timestamp attributes without a UTC suffix hold UTC values that are converted to local time. The timestamps of the primary and secondary are derived from the UTC audit timestamp recorded by the primary and converted to local time on the secondary (catering for primary and secondary time zones that differ).