Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 10 - Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Development Considerations > Developing Applications to Operate in an SDE

Developing Applications to Operate in an SDE

This section contains the following topics relating to transaction isolation behavior when developing applications to operate in a Synchronized Database Environment (SDE). For details, see the following subsections.

JADE licenses are not transferred automatically between databases in an SDE. It is your responsibility to apply new licenses to any existing databases in an SDE. In addition, to ensure proper operation, you must apply the primary license to every secondary.

The secondary starts reorganizing files when it replays an install files audit record, which is audited on the primary as part of the transition (that is, offline) phase of the reorganization and for which the secondary must shut down user applications.

At the onset of a transition, JADE terminates all user applications that are still running, disables signon, and restarts automatically restarted applications at the end of the offline phase of the reorganization.