Product Information > JADE Database Administration Guide > Chapter 1 - Using the JADE Database Utility > Using the Reindex Files Command

Using the Reindex Files Command

Use the Reindex Files command from the Operation menu to reindex database files to repair damaged file indexes or to perform free-space garbage collection serially. For more details, see "Reindexing Database Files", in Chapter 3.

To reindex your database files

  1. Select the Reindex Files command from the Operation menu. The Select Files to Reindex dialog is then displayed.

  2. Select the required database file or files for reindexing, by performing one of the following actions.

    The selected file names are moved to the Selected files list box.

  3. To remove database files from the Selected files list box, perform one of the following actions.

    The selected file names are moved back to the Database Files list box.

  4. If you want to look for system database files, check the Show System Files check box. (By default, system files are not displayed for selection; that is, user schema files only are displayed when you first access this dialog.)

  5. If you do not want user schemas displayed for selection, uncheck the Show User Schema Files check box. (By default, user schema files are displayed for selection when you first access this dialog.)

  6. When your list of selected files is complete, click the OK button to start the operation. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

While the operation is running, a progress dialog is displayed that enables you to monitor the progress of the operation. You can abort the reindex run, by clicking the Cancel button.

A running display that provides a progress report is produced on your screen while the operation is running. At the end of the operation, the running display provides a completion report, highlighting the number of files processed and the number of files found with errors.

When the operation is finished, the progress dialog is closed and the following message is displayed in the running report.

<<Database file reindex complete>>

Detailed results of the operation are written to the reindex.log file. (To view the log, select the reindex.log submenu from the View menu View Logs command. For details, see "Viewing Log Files", later in this chapter.)