Product Information > JADE Development Environment Administration Guide > Chapter 3 - Patch Versioning > Displaying a Patch History for a Selected Class, Type, or Method

Displaying a Patch History for a Selected Class, Type, or Method

You can display a summary of the changes made to the current class, primitive type, or method selected in the respective:

You cannot display a patch history summary for a class, primitive type, or method unless patch versioning is enabled for your current schema or for the JADE development environment. (For details, see "Enabling or Disabling Patch Versioning", earlier in this chapter.)

To display a summary of patch version changes to the current class, primitive type, or method

The Summary of Patches window is then displayed, showing all changes to the current class, primitive type, or method in all JADE system and patch versions (sorted in descending order of time, by default). For details about using this window, see "Using the Summary of Patches Window", earlier in this chapter.

As you are displaying the history for the current class, primitive type, or method only, all controls in the upper dialog area other than the Only Show Latest check box are disabled.

If you want to view only the latest change for the current class, primitive type, or method, check this control and then click the Refresh button.

For details about: