Product Information > JADE Development Environment Administration Guide > Chapter 2 - Change Control > Viewing Changed Methods

Viewing Changed Methods

Use the Browse menu Changed Methods command to select and display methods that have changed within specified criteria.

You can specify the display of methods that have changed:

You can also specify that changed methods are displayed for methods changed:

Viewing changed methods for a class reflects any changes to the signature of interface methods that are implemented by that class. (As an interface method cannot contain a body, which is your responsibility to define in the automatically generated method in the implementing class, a separate restrictive view for interface methods is not required.)

To specify the changed methods that you want to view

The Changed Methods dialog, shown in the following diagram, is then displayed.

The Changed Methods dialog enables you to specify the changed methods that you want to view.

If you start browsing from a non-versioned schema or you select the All Schemas option button when browsing for changed methods in a versioned schema tree, the search results include both the current and latest contexts for any versioned schema included in the search; for example, for a search that starts with a non-versioned schema and includes superschemas.